Mappery For the love of maps

IMPORTANT: Mappery Editorial Policy Changes

Dear followers.  The Mappery team have been reflecting on some of the content we have posted recently.  We’re concerned that cartography is being commercially exploited in some sectors (particularly the drinks industry) with the creation of entirely fictitious maps to promote a brand.  We think this is wrong and is disrespectful of the art and science of cartography.  

In posting some of this content, we recognise that our promotion has contributed to this problem, and for this error in judgement we are genuinely sorry and ask for your forgiveness.  In future we will only post maps that have gone wild in good faith, rather than being fictitious creations produced solely for commercial gain.  Once again, sorry for our part in this. In the meantime here are some shallots that look like a contour map. (Original credit Amanda Huber

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