Barry shared this, he said “Ticket to Ride UK+Ireland game map. With enough resources you can even run a transatlantic boat service…”
Manny Ownoh shared this pic of a telephone street cabinet covered in a stylised map of Rathlin Island, Co Antrim.
It never ceases to make me smile at how many bottles of wine or beeer end up here as maps in the wild. This ones comes via our friend Raf in Barcelona. “Terra Seca is a red wine from Terra del Priorat cellar, made with garnatxa negra and carinyena, in […]
Yves van Goethem shared this a while ago. “I love @openstreetmap. I have heavily relied on it for all my bike trips & long travels, I have modestly contributed to it over the years & I have used tons of apps for navigation, layers, drinking water, etc. Never would I […]