Mappery is a labour of love from me, Arnaud and Dan but even labours of love incur some expenses. We don’t have adverts or sponsors and we have no plans to do any of that in the future. Over the years I have knocked up some t-shirt designs for conferences and events, mainly for my own use and for fun, sometimes people ask if they could get one of them, now you can and you would also make a small contribution to keeping this place running. The print on demand company is pretty reliable and most orders ship in a few days in the UK and a bit longer overseas.
Here is what we have at the moment, click on the images to go to the “shop” or you can go straight to the Mappery Shop
Just2Numbers – you and your mates will either understand this very niche joke t-shirt or you will be endlessly wondering about 3 sausages.

Sh*thole Geography – in January 2018 Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries which prompted me to make this t-shirt with help from my daughter on the design side. Ken and I wore these when we gave a sort of keynote/stand-up session at FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam in 2018.

Null Island – every map geek loves the chaos of blank coordinates aka Null Island. The original artwork for this t is available for free from Sebastian Vollnhals. This version is reverse coloured white on black and the small profit helps to fund Mappery