Erik spotted this sort of thematic map in a tattoo shop in Bratislava. I can’t work out the thematic criteria “Nice #mapsinthewild in a tattoo shop in Bratislava. to be exact. Walking past while on the way to the #QGISUC2024 dinner location. Map with New Zealand, but transformation might […]
An interactive map from the FDR Museum “Learn about government contributions to many conveniences we take for granted today. See how these projects helped strengthen the nation’s economy during the Great Depression. Maybe you’ll find a New Deal project in your own community”
Saw this election results map at the FDR Museum a couple of days before the 2024 US Election. This is what I would call an overwhelming vote for one candidate! The blurb says “FDR won a historic mandate in 1932.After three years of economic depression, Americans decisively rejected President Hoover […]
I spotted this map in Franklin Delano Roosevelt Museum, which had a special exhibition on FDR and Black African Americans. Redlining Map of Poughkeepsie, New York and its Suburbs, March 1938This redlining map of Poughkeepsie was among the hundreds of “Residential Security Maps” of urban areas created by the Home […]
We stopped at a rest stop on our way south through New York State, you know I love a floor map! This one shows parks and museums in the state. I agree with the signs saying “I love NY”