Matt Finish spotted this map of Southampton in the Foyer of the Holiday Inn in appropriately enough Southampton.
Angharad Stone shared these pics of the Gare de Bordeaux St Jean with me. “The great map of the rail network or “midi” in Hall 1 of Gare de Bordeaux St Jean (Bordeaux St Jean train station) is currently covered up for restoration, so here is photo I took of […]
Michael Gould shared this pic from Johannesburg airport. I’m looking forward to a taster when we next meet up.
Clare Nolan shared these pics of an exhibition in Berlin from 2012 “Old one this, but looking through old photos for somat. This is at Schlossplatz in 2012, an exhibition called Berlin:City of Diversity. #Berlin 🇩🇪” There’s some more info on this 1:775 scale map of Berlin here
I visited the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. This is the cartouche for Tutankhamun on the lid of a box found in his burial chamber. I’d always thought that a cartouche was a mappy thing but originally it was “an oval with a line at one end at right […]