Visiting friends recently and their kids had this fun blow up globe that serves as a beach ball and a geography primer. The photo opportunity was too sweet to miss as it reminded me of the famous sculpture of Atlas. “In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan condemned to hold […]
Codrina Ilie sent us this picture of her map tattoo (at least i think it is a tattoo, it could be chocolate). I think it is Mercator on her arm but maybe a projections geek will correct me or you could ask her when you see her at FOSS4G in […]
Esri always sells drinkware at the User Conference in San Diego with some mappy theme. Just for fun.
Roger Payne sent us this Map Cow “After your request for maps in the wild at Geomob here’s one. It’s an old photo from 2000 I had to scan from a print. It was part of Cow Parade in New York, and happened to be the first Cow I came across, found […]
Careful to say they brew beside the Thames (in Chiswick) rather than with Thames water though it’s a safe bet they do…with Pride.
As much for the pun “discover wine without parallel” as much as the fact it’s named after the 39th parallel.