Caroline Robinson shared this pic from her local pub in Falmouth. Someone has covered the mirrors outside of the toilets with maps, and “why not?” I say!
Alice Gadney sent me this pic of her stunning map skirt (I hope she didn’t wear it while rowing!). She has promised to show up at a future GeoMob event wearing it.
Jon Morris shared this pic of what must be one of the most pointless maps that I have seen in a long time. “Tebay services letting us know where they are. “ I am sure that several of our readers could help Tebay Services to improve on this map.
Harry Wood shared this pic of his son’s early cartographic efforts. “Just now he declared he was going to draw a map! It’s challenging my preconceived ideas about the importance of geographic accuracy.” It’s a wild map even if it isn’t a map in the wild.
Mark Safran shared this t-shirt design “ I’m always a sucker for #maps and #beer. Here is a great map shirt of all the great new craft breweries in Bucks County, PA #drinkbucksco #Lovemaps “
Michael Gould shared this classy looking wine bottle label. “My wife in supermarket: that wine any good? Geographer: don’t care Looks like he decided to buy a bottle!
Alex Orenstein sent us this pic of a massive model of the city of Lyon. “Model of Lyon also functions as a climate catastrophe flood simulator when it rains. Neat!”