Another one from Ken, he called this a forearm smash (?). I don’t understand why people want to have tattoos, they don’t age well. It seems we are getting quite a few map tattoos though.
Monthly archives: June 2020
Rosemarie North shared this mappy cushion design. “#DYK Kuala Lumpur means muddy confluence (of 2 rivers)? Great map of the founding spot printed on cloth by Kotaku design.” Wikipedia questions this etymology but the design is still pretty.
Mark Safran shared these pics of some massive mappy canvases by Mark Bradford at The Broad in downtown LA. More #MapsInTheWild, but this time also literally #MapsAsArt Mark Bradford’s beautiful map paintings at the TheBroad
Claire Nolan has to be one of my favourite contributors of Maps in the Wild because she manages to combine maps and football 🙂 🙂 When she was in Croatia she spotted these globe trophies in the Hadjuk Split trophy cabinet. Two football trophies in #Hadjuk Split’s trophy cabinet. First is […]
My co-editor, Ken Field, might be a bit too modest to post this so I decided to share this. It is a little bit special when a mapmaker makes a map of world breweries and a few years later wanders into a bar and sees his map plastered onto the […]
Isaac Besora shared this map from “Designing data-intensive applications” by Martin Kleppmann. It’s not really “in the wild” but it’s a neat idea and made me smile. I like NoSQL Danger Zone and Cape JSON amongst the fu place names.
Lauren Tierney shared this massive compass device hanging at the Walter E Washington Convention Centre in Washington DC. The inner ring lists all the states of the US, the outer ring has little state shaped maps.
The folk at OnlMaps shared this gruesome map of Cambodia from the Tuol Sleng Museum in Phnom Penh. If you know of a more gruesome map than this, let us know.
Dave Lovell pointed me to this pic of Antti Jakobsson wearing his map mask designed by Marja. I wonder if Marja has met David Overton?
David Overton of Splashmaps shared this can of brake cleaner which is adorned with a contour map. Why? (not why did he share but why did Finesse use a map to decorate their can?)
Michael Stuyts created this great image when I was having a conversation with my pals on the FOSS4G Europe organising committee. We were talking about the intersection of interest in maps and beer amongst some of the FOSS4G ambassadors and Michael wanted to get in on the fun. @foss4ge @vcraciunescu […]
My pal Ed Freyfogle sent me this pic of a model of Sao Miguel Island which he spotted whilst vacationing in the Azores.
A beautiful piece of map tattoo art from Michael. I know nothing about Albuquerque or Carlsbad except that Neil Young wrote a song about Albuquerque: Well, they say that Santa Fe Is less than ninety miles away, And I got time to roll a number and rent a car. Oh, […]