Monthly archives: May 2021
Ken Field, the co-founder of Mappery, has been pretty quiet on the site for the last year while he has been writing his second book through lockdown (more news on that soon hopefully) but he posted this packaging label to us. Not the most spectacular Map in the Wild but […]
Go figure how you play on this table or even why you would, let alone why someone made it, but you have to love it as a Map in the Wild. The pic comes via Geographic Mind (HT Raf) Me pregunto si las bolas pueden pasar por el istmo de […]
Thomas Gratier sent us this pic of a colourful world map made of wooden blocks from Rich Wood Art Studio. If you have a few thousand bucks to spare you could buy one here
I love it when people recycle old maps into household objects. This table was made by The Island Geographer and pointed out by Raf. Take one IKEA table, a map of home and a gallon of PVA glue.. A prize for the first person to work out where this is […]
Grayson Perry seems to be able to turn his hand to almost any kind of creative work but he has a recurring fascination with place. Reinder Storm pointed us at this Map of Days. ‘A #map of days’ created in 2013 by the British artist Grayson Perry (born in 1960). […]
Abi Page pointed us at these stunning dresses made from mappy fabrics which appeared on Women’s Art site and twitter. Susan Stockwell, Empire Dress, 2005, Victorian style dress made from maps of the British Isles to highlight issues of Colonialism, communication and global power relations #womensart
My friend Tony Braun shared this pic from Dario Ingiusto designed for a promotion by Publicis, Canada and very very sweet in my opinion.
This pic of the Georgian rugby team lining up before a match in the shape of their country came from Wondering Maps via our frequent contributor Reinder Storm. Team Photo of the Georgian National Rugby Team, Socially Distanced in the Shape of Georgia #maps
I was out on my regular walk and looking down I noticed this Africa indent in the path. Reminds me of the elephant’s ear post when we first launched the site.
Ed Freyfogle, my co-host on the Geomob Podcast pointed me at this beauty via Billy Corben Florida man with Florida tattoo on his forehead arrested after calling 911 for a ride home twice — and marijuana possession Go figure!
Who knew there was a site that just focussed on Austrian maps “from moderately interesting to plain terrible”? That’s AustrianMaps. It was their first birthday a few weeks back and they celebrated with this crummy looking cake. A belated happy birthday Austrian Maps!