Monthly archives: February 2023
What a choice for print of the week, if it had been me it would have been a map of Great Britain post apocalypse. This was spotted in a shop window in Crouch End, London by Elizabeth.
Tom Smedley sent me this pic I’m not sure if the location is real or fictitious but this was a pretty neat topography map on the hood of a jeep. Seen at the Virginia Mountain Bike Marathon in Palmyra, Virginia. Tom Smedley @armymapguy_avn
Spotted by Elizabeth in Lincoln Inns Field, London. Introland are “Nationwide Providers of access safety solutions” – go figure.
Ken shared this can of beer with contour lines, well actually he only shared the picture of the can, he guzzled the contents. Hero Dirt is a New Zealand beer in the style of an American Pale Ale which I did not know was a thing.
I’m having a senior day (more than a moment) and I have no idea who sent me this! It’s a nice representation of the mosque at the edge f Casablanca.
Marianne Pietersen took these pics at the National Library of Australia in Canberra (great museum!). I took these photos in 2014, at the NLA, (Canberra), when their map room was open to invited public.There were some special maps displayed, as you can see. All a bit vintage.The man holding up […]
It’s in the Netherlands, it must be from Reinder (or Erik). The interior of bar / restaurant ‘De hoofdwacht’ in Gorinchem (the Netherlands) is decorated cartographically: ceiling, walls. There are maps everywhere, what’s not to like? Maps and Beers
Elizabeth spotted this reusable bag at Costco (I think) and bought one for us. Not sure what it is trying to say – lots of touristy landmarks including Stratford, Edinburgh, Cornwall and London of course plus Nessy, whisky and Red Arrows
Reinder spotted this van, he wasn’t sure whether we had had enough vans with maps. But if you think it is – don’t bother. With my best regards, from Amsterdam this time. Oh – and eh … it’s a #cheese-van of course 😉 So the answer is no, we haven’t […]