Monthly archives: June 2023
Richard Eriksson shared with us this picture from Jamie Bradburn In the future, South America will break away from Central America and develop a giant hole in the northeast of the continent.
Jay Sparks shared with us these pictures from Victoria Rose Richards who makes aerial embroidery landscapes. The tweeter feed is a beauty.
Stefan Freelan also sent us this pic of a futuristic globe sculpture on a traffic island in Safed, Israel. Seems there are quite a few Maps in the Wild that I have missed on my travels there, will have to try harder.
MapTiler folks shared these pictures taken while in Olomouc (Czechia) for a meetup. The upper town square has lots of brass sculptures, including a beautiful map with dophins leaping out of it and a model of the town centre
Reinder pointed out that this bottle of Talisker Whisky has a label shaped like the coast of the Isle of Skye showing the location of the distillery. It also has a stopper with a map of the whole island. I can confirm that this is a fine single malt.
Thank you Terrible Maps for sharing this board of charcuterie in the shape of France. Le pâté en croûte is indeed a specialty from where I come from. But that is the only true fact on this map.
In the Old City of Jerusalem I spotted this mirror shaped like the borders of Israel outside a small jewellery shop called, The Coral Beach. They invited you to take a selfie, I couldn’t resist
Reinder shared this. Dutch author Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (b. 1968) wrote a new and quite voluminous book on the classical Greek politician Alkibiades. One of the best bookshops of Amsterdam, Athenaeum Booksellers, decorated the window for the occasion with an appropriate map of Greece in antiquity. The book comes […]
Angharad Stone I found a map. A map of sake!! Niigata prefecture is where most of the sake comes from, this map shows the breweries that the current selection of sake for tasting are for @MapsintheWild Thank you Angharad!