Erik was out and about again tracking down maps in the wild when he spotted this globe in Emmerich. Yesterday in Emmerich. We noticed a few missing Islands in this globe. Usual suspects like New Zealand, self inflicted issues like Brexit taking the UK off the planet completely, but what […]
Monthly archives: July 2023
Another beauty from Cartonaut Water reservoir – Overhead water tank, PWA, ~3,000,000 gallonsOne of the largest reinforced concrete elevated water tower structures ever made.Map represents American river and SacramentoSacramento, California near J & Alhambra
Erik spotted these nice plant pots covered with recycled maps at the Keukenhof Gardens near Amsterdam. Well done to the My Dahlia Society. He also found this stand offering free maps, what’s not to like?
Ed Freyfogle was at the Denver Art Museum and spotted this pair of lion maps Some Maps in the Wild at the Denver Art Museum: Holland and Belgium as lions, part of the amazing exhibit on Flemish masters. This reminds me of those maps of Britain as a bulldog or […]
In case you (or Erik) are wondering why so many of his pics are appearing this month, it is the quirky way that I organise my backlog of posts, nothing else. Nice spot of this pair of mappy feet, there must be a joke about the left foot not knowing […]
I received this postcard from the London Air Ambulance Charity. It shows the number of and types of missions they flew in 2022. Amazingly, the Air Ambulance service is funded by a charity not the NHS. They are currently fund raising to replace their helicopters which are approaching end of […]
Matt Malone shared this pic of impressive, wood-carved cartography on this visitor map spotted at the Niagara Botanical Gardens.
I know that we have already featured the Vermeer painting with a map in the background, but I couldn’t resist this pic. Our good friend, and intrepid hunter of maps in the wild, Erik Meerburg shared this pic of him and “The Vermeer” and it’s too good to not publish. […]
Stefan let us know this is the design of a wall inside of the museum of wrecks and fishing in Cuxhaven, Germany. Credit: Stefan Kaup
Before you venture into the wilderness, you should always study the map, as this Pronghorn in Sheldon reminds us. Credit: Jami
At Mappery we love maps, but we’ve got no idea what they’ve got do to with lunch, dinner and cocktails (from 11am). Then again, by midday we’d be past caring. Credit: Geography with Justin
For all the tech out there, sometimes a post-it note does the job, as the folk in Colombia, Pennsylvania remind us here! Credit: Michael Allen