Derrick Rethams sent us this “augmented OSM map, with dramatically exaggerated height profile in the Carolina Hoeve in De Steeg in the Netherlands” The Carolina Farm looks beautiful as does the ODSM based relief map.
Yearly archives: 2023
My dear friend Denise McKenzie goes by the twitter handle Spatial Red (she does have a penchant for clothing in that colour). We met up recently at Geovation and she was wearing this superb map shirt which I think is based on a street map of Paris. I love the […]
Marc-Tobias gave me these collectible cards each of which illustrates a projection. For me one stands out: the Plate Caree by Marinus of Tyre (120), most of the others are 19th century or 20th century, this one is 1900 years old! The Projection Collection by Daniel Huffman was on time […]
I had some free time in Edinburgh recently so I went to the National Museum thinking there’s always a map or two in a museum. I stumbled on this stone with the inscription Scotland to the World and the 4 cardinal points. Not quite a map but it will do. […]
Reinder sent us this from Prague We were surprised by this nice monument in an intimate courtyard in Prague, to commemorate the fact that Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) worked in the city around 1600.
Duncan Jackson sent us this Painted on the wall at the end/beginning of the sky walk that accesses the Waterfront precinct in Darwin. Part of the recent street art boom.
Marc Tobias sent me this pic of the Meppen power plant. Tower is 131m high, so the map must be over 100 meters. It’s full 180 degrees including New Zealand, Hawaii. Tower is curved so I let you guess the projection.
What a choice for print of the week, if it had been me it would have been a map of Great Britain post apocalypse. This was spotted in a shop window in Crouch End, London by Elizabeth.
Tom Smedley sent me this pic I’m not sure if the location is real or fictitious but this was a pretty neat topography map on the hood of a jeep. Seen at the Virginia Mountain Bike Marathon in Palmyra, Virginia. Tom Smedley @armymapguy_avn