Some impressive maps which look like they are marble on the floor of @paleisamsterdam, originally posted by Barry Ruderman from
Yearly archives: 2024
Ken posted this bottle of Line39 named after the 39th parallel and claiming to be “wine without parallel” (contains sulphites). Hmm.
If you have to print something on a case of wine then why not print a map of its origin? I admire Reinder’s choice of wines.
Michael Migurski shared this pic of a couple of bottles of wine with contour lines on the labels. I guess you might get high while drinking these!
Tom Chadwin spotted this manhole cover on his travels. Useful if the firemen weren’t sure where they were!
Ed Freyfogle spotted this beautiful relief map in the visitor centre at the Hainich National Park in central Germany
From Reinder “… at the exhibition about Julius Caesar at the H*ART Museum in Amsterdam”
Melinda Clarke sent me some pre-publication pics of her latest piece, The Portalington Map. This another stunning hand-drawn map from down under. The detail is just fanrtastic. If you want to know more about the Portalington Map or order your own copy, have a look here. You can also listen […]
Reinder sent me this. “This Cartographically decorated piece of furniture is, in fact, a piece of art, by Guillermo Kuitca. It is called ‘Bed’; I saw it at Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar, the Netherlands.”