Merryn Henderson sent us this stylish advert for Kimbo coffee
It’s an ad for a brand of coffee, at Bologna airport. Literally? “It all starts with ‘Kimbo’. All of the roads bring us the aromas…” but if we asked an ad agency to Anglicise it, we’d get something like: “Every journey brings you home, to the coffee you know best: Kimbo…”
2 thoughts on “All roads lead to Kimbo”
Andrea Aime messaged us on twitter
“For an italian that has a double meaning, reading it out loud it also sounds like “tutte le strade portano a Roma”, aka “all roads bring to Rome”
Paul van Genuchten messaged us on twitter
“Kimbo is the favorite brand at the @geocat_bv office (thanks to @PascalLike for commuting from napels)” I think he means Naples!!