Mappery For the love of maps

Making Worlds – The Creation Myth Puppets

My friend Tony Gee has just had a book published on his work with kids over the last 30 years or so, when he sent me the release notes I knew that we had to feature this as a wild Map in the Wild!

I asked Tony about the cover design and he said:

When we started working on our book we envisioned a world story map – an atlas that took the reader from continent to continent through creation myths and other myths. 
This atlas would trace the different creatures from those continents in the shape of the puppets we helped children make for themselves. The final aspect of our map was to log a journey making shows with thousands upon thousands of children across many lands and over 40 years.

So the globe on the front of our book is our planet encircled  by puppet creatures all of which have been made by children.

You can find out more about “Making Worlds” and buy a copy at Tony’s site (it is also available at a mega online retailer but why not support the author directly?)

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