A simple schematic map but as a map geek it is a piece of art on this building
A simple schematic map but as a map geek it is a piece of art on this building
Alice Gadney shared these pics of the Eagle Brewery making a delivery. Lovely contour lines, are they real?
Love the look of this one from the Harvard Map Collection! Credit: HarvardMapCollection
This carved stone map shows the extent of the Islamic World in the 10th Century, quite a remarkable expansion in three centuries. […]
Reinder spotted these globes in the window of a gift shop in Lyon. I liked the pic because of the reflection of […]
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3 thoughts on “Amersfoort”
Given the name next to the map is “Waterlijn”, Dutch for ‘water line’, I must assume the place name is “Amersfoort”, with an “r” in it.
NB It’s AmersfooRt … not Amersfoort – thanks
Grrr – autocorrect did interfere … the point is that the name of this Dutch town is Amersfoort.