Jan Andriaenssens shared this beauty with us. “Map art in the “Ankh-Morpork” meeting room at “imec Antwerp” in Belgium”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh-MorporkTerry Pratchett describes Ankh-Morpork as the biggest city in Discworld and its corrupt mercantile capital.
Tallinn, one of the real-life inspirations for Ankh-MorporkIn The Art of Discworld, Pratchett explained that the city is similar to Tallinn and central Prague, but adds that it has elements of 18th-century London, 19th-century Seattle and modern-day New York City. He also said that since the creation of The Streets of Ankh-Morpork, he has tried to ensure that the descriptions of character movements and locations in the books matched the Ankh-Morpork map; this allowed him, and fans of the series, to visualise the story more clearly.