Reinder shared this “On the 1st of February 1953 a disastrous flood occurred in the southwest of The Netherlands. More than 1800 people lost their lives and an entire infrastructure was devastated. This is known as the Watersnood, and it is the topic of the Watersnoodmuseum in Ouwerkerk in the […]
Reinder spotted these globes in the window of a gift shop in Lyon. I liked the pic because of the reflection of the opposite shop “Scotch and Soda” even though I drink mine neat. Arnaud liked it because he grew up in Lyon and new the area well. A map […]
Darrell Fuhriman sent me these pics from the Salt Pub in Ilwaco, Washington. “They decorated with old nautical charts, including a lamp shade and wallpaper on the stairs and entryway. “ The stairs reference a quote by author Isak Dinesen. “The cure for anything is salt water — sweat, tears, or […]
Reinder took this pic in a neighbourhood orchard “. along the river Saône in Lyon, named after a local heroine Mere Guy” “In the 2nd arrondissement, the orchard created at Place Général Delfosse was named in honor of Mere Guy. A pioneer of the Meres de Lyon, she opened her […]
Another one from Anna Barca “From the map room in First floor in the Mitchell Library building in the State Library of Sydney. I love looking at those historical art works and think about how maps were made in “the old days” and what was then the focus of the […]
Reinder spotted this atlas in a bookshop in Lyon, “saw this Asia-Australia centered atlas cover in Librairie Passages, in Lyon, France.” Centering the world map on Asia and Australia (which places the Americas to the east) reminds us thatthe adoption of the Prime Meridian through Greenwich was a choice by […]
From Reinder, he spotted “Two globes at Waterlooplein-market in Amsterdam preventing the wind from blowing all the stuff away.”
Marc-Tobias sent me these pics from his recent visit to London. Forest Bikes is a newish e-bike rental scheme in London. The bikes seem to be decorated with maps. Could they be real places, or is it a fantasy? Note the contour lines That is almost certainly the British Isles […]
Reinder sent this. You might think this is from Australia but no, it is afloat on the River Rhone. You might also be wondering why it gets featured on Mappery, well look at the zoomed in image.
Anna Barca spotted this map on the staircase at the Armidale Information Centre. She said “The use of the staircase to display local attractions (mainly National Parks) is clever, turning a boring wall into a amazing eye-catching source of information.” Good spot Anna and welcome to the Mappery community with […]
Maarten Pullen sent me this picture of a shopping bag with a map of Nikko, Japan. “Yesterday I stumbled upon a plastic bag from Nikko, Japan, with several tourist spots on it. I wrote a little blog post (in Dutch, but can be translated) about the background of the map […]