This portrait of Johannes Kepler was spotted by Reinder at the Collegium Maius in Cracow. Don’t you love the way old paintings so often have a globe or a map in the background (presumably a symbol of status)?
Have you heard of an alidade? I hadn’t until Walter Schwartz sent me these pics. He said “Behold the ingenious alidade, a surveying instrument here used as a fire finder. This one is displayed at the Cole Land Transportation Museum in Bangor, Maine. Forest rangers used these atop fire towers to report the distance […]
Reeinder said “At the Amsterdam bookstore Scheltema, one can put a post-it on a kind of world map display, to mark the spot where one has been.”
Elizabeth shared this with us. She said “Would you call this a map? It is certainly a navigation aid.” I am not sure how you would describe this but it certainly is an interesting piece.
I spotted this globe at a wedding venue recently. I’ve no idea who the two figures aren’t? Feel free to make suggestions
Rollo spotted this Mapsinthewild in a late 1940’s nuclear bunker operations room in York with the ‘most advanced map of the time’ laid out. This facility was designed to monitor impact and fall out. It would support a team of 60 for 30 days underground…. apparently design was out dated […]
Reinder said “These images show a 3D plan in bronze or something, from the park ‘Sanssouci’ in Potsdam. A beautiful place with an unrivaled amount of quite impressive palaces.“
Reinder spotted this on Spuistraat, Amsterdam. “Now it is a branch of Magic Mushroom – but in 1639 a globe was bricked into the facade.” I had to check that Magic Mushroom was what I thought it was, and it was! No endorsement but I guess your maps get super […]
This is clever. Reinder shared this place mat from the restaurant ‘Oortjeshekken’, in the Ooijpolder, near Nijmegen. Yes it is a place mat for your plate and cutlery in the restaurant and it is also a place map for the surrounding area.
Reinder sent this pic of Atlas holding up the world from the roof of the Alte Rathaus at the Alte Markt, Potsdam, Germany (he wasn’t actually on the roof but you know what I mean)
Raymond pointed out that the Afghani restaurant we featured a few weeks ago also had this carpet map on the wall and this one is slightly different to this carpet map
This came from Reinder Portrait of Eugeniusz RomerIt hangs above the desk of the director of the Institute of Geography and Regional Development at the University of Wroclaw. It shows the eminent geographer and cartographer depicted against the background of a planiglobium map. Romer, (1871-1954) was the founder of modern […]
Maarten Pullen sent me this. “Helsinki has a fair number of tram lines in its city center. A great way of doing sightseeing when you’re tired of walking. The seats in the tram also have a network map.”
Reinder sent this from his visit to Warsaw “… in the beautifully 18th C. baroque decorated main hall, Aula Leopoldina, in the University Museum in Wrocław, Poland. “