Joe Davies shared another picture from Lyon. The city where I grew up! The photo comes from the underground metro station at Place Jean Jaures, Lyon 7eme.
Maps in the Wild
Joe Davies shared this picture, saying: The rain made this 3D model of Lyon even better! I am happy to see the neighbourhood I used to live in is not flooded.
Jami shared this picture with Globe and Costers. It looks like a perfect mappy place for a coffee break!
I want to thank Wanmei for sharing this coaster and the other photos. As a MacOS user, I knew about Catalina, and I still use the beautiful photo as a background. I am happy to share the maps of this Island.
“El mapa no és el territori. Una cartografia creativa del Raval” is a piece observable from many physical and imaginary points of view of Raval neighbourhood in Barcelona – from Raf of course, our number one correspondent in Barcelona!
We haven’t had anything from Ken for a while, so let’s remedy that with this 1964 pilot’s guide marked “Not for navigation”
Fish stand inside food market in Reus, Catalunya via Raf. Seems like even the fish want independence
Garrett Speed spotted this shelving system in the Eindhoven Library. “Road and rails as a shelf in Eindhoven’s library, currently displaying 3D prints”
Wijfi said “I think this counts as a @mappery #mapsinthewild even though it’s a pretend place. Seen at #massmoca “Known for her rich aesthetic and highly detailed constructions, Robin Frohardt is a theater and film director whose work uses recognizable materials-often trash- to create richly detailed worlds that consider the […]
Oliver Leroy said “Doing some trains nerd tourism, very hard to imagine how big the industry was before and how fast the change happened #mapsinthewild“ I couldn’t resist some nerdy research and found this