Mappery For the love of maps

Hogmanay map of Scotland

Torchlit map of Scotland

The BBC reported that

Hundreds of torch bearers have created a huge map of Scotland to mark the start of Edinburgh’s three-day Hogmanay festival.
Thousands of people snaked their way down the Royal Mile and past the Scottish Parliament to Holyrood Park where the outline of Scotland was lit up.
At least 20,000 participants and 20,000 spectators turned out for the huge procession.

I love the way the numbers grow paragraph by paragraph ๐Ÿ™‚

Is that BNG or Web Mercator? (image credit Peter Sandground)

Now that really has to be the best Map in the Wild of 2018! Thanks to Abi Page for sending me the link just before Edinburgh went into Hogmanay frenzy.

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