Today is Mappery’s 6th birthday.
Remarkable really that we have kept this up for 6 years, that’s just over 1600 posts with almost 2,500 images, 300 weekly email newsletters, thousands of social media follows (no longer X’ing) and a lot of support from our readers and contributors who have made #MapsintheWild into a community.
So thanks to Ken who helped me to start Mappery when we were on safari together, thanks to Arnaud and Dan who help to share the load and keep the site running and thanks to everyone who has contributed a MapintheWild.
Today’s birthday post is the 17th Meridian line. Why? Well unsurprisingly, for regular readers/followers, this pic came from Reinder Storm, in our six years Reinder has contributed over 180 of the posts that we have featured which is pretty remarkable. I know this isn’t an actual map but it testifies to the map geekiness and passion of our contributors and followers -THANK YOU REINDER
Reinder commented “… passes right through Wrocław, Poland. The meridian 17° east of Greenwich is a line of longitude that extends from the North Pole across the Arctic Ocean, Europe, Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and Antarctica to the South Pole”
We’ll be pushing the boat out with a few more birthday posts today.