Raol Baletco sent us this gradual unmasking of a map of Madrid on the label of a bottle of El Aguila “Hi @MapsintheWild! Check this stick from a @CervezaElAguila with an oldΒ map of Madrid (including graphic scale) πΊοΈππ” And here it is ..
Sarah Reynolds sent us this pic of NYC skyline trainers that she spotted. Seems that there a lot of mappy footwear designs about, must look out for a pair myself – suggestions welcome.
If you serve in the US Army you bring home the odd souvenir (emphasis on odd) including this map mug from Afghanistan.
Nigel Clifford is becoming a very prolific contributor of Maps in the Wild. this milk bottle top map is from a display at Aldermaston School at the Royal Berkshire Show.
Michelle sent me this pic of this map dress “Managed to get hold of the friend that took it..she says she took a quick photo but didn’t take much notice..it was at the airport in Japan..she was looking for her departure gate!!”
Elizabeth has been spotting mappy book covers all over the place. These two are from a display at Waterstones And I couldn’t resist this display of map books in Seven Dials Market I love the old AtoZ reproduction
Where was Troy? I visited the Troy exhibition at the British Museum yesterday and realised that I didn’t know. My erudite friend said it was on the north west coast of Turkey, and he was correct. These pics are from a display panel in the exhibition. Not particularly wild but […]
Jon Morris was staying at the Hub on East Market St in Edinburgh while attending FOSS4G UK. He thought this map was monstrosity but I don’t agree. “Glad I won’t be spending too much time here, with this monstrosity by the bed. You can’t quite see it, but the Royal […]