Raf sent us this pic from Barcelona How fitting that a shop named Marco Polo should use this lovely antique map as part of its shopfront
Raf sent me this pic of a discarded globe which didn’t really get my interest until someone pointed out that it was South-Up. Was the globe made like this, was it mis-assembled or was it a deliberate statement?
This colourful map can be viewed in Winchester Library (spotted by Dave Lovell). I’m not sure where to start on this one: it is horrible, distorted, arbitrarily incomplete and randomly coloured. Perhaps a candidate for the 2019 Gromit Award.
Nigel Clifford (Deputy Chairman of the Geospatial Commission) spotted this map of His Majesties Private Road from London to Fulham embedded, as one would expect’ on the pavement of Kings Road. “The #geospatialthings you find. A map of the King’s roads, fittingly on the King’s Road.”
Amici is a little Italian delicatessen cafe near East Finchley tube station. If you are nearby I highly recommend it. The ceiling is bedecked with dozens of sports shirts, mainly football and cycling. I spotted this cycling top from the Giro tour of Italy with a map on the front […]
Raf sent us this wine bottle with contour lines from the Montsant region of Spain. Apparently it is “A blend of Grenache with about everything else allowed in Monstsant including Carignan, Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. Aromas of jammy dark fruit and prunes, a distinct earthy almost pencil lead scent, […]