Maps in the Wild When someone offers you a Geographical Rose by Arnaud|Published 23rd July 2021For Sant Jordi we thank our partners with a “geographical rose” made in a group for people with functional diversity. – Col·legi de Geògrafs
Published 11th December 2019 La Gazetta dello SportAmici is a little Italian delicatessen cafe near East Finchley tube station. If you are nearby I highly recommend it. The ceiling […]
Published 20th December 2023 Olivia’s LondonOlivia Brotheridge is a London based illustrator who makes a lot of maps. Elizabeth spotted this at the Royal Overseas League in […]
Published 17th May 2019 Newark Castle mapNot a particularly good map and Newark isn’t known for being wild…but it’s a map in the wild.
Published 17th February 2020 Golden Lane EstateAngharad Stone spotted this relief map of the Golden Lane Estate on her way to #Geomob