I think Charles Kennelly is getting over eager, I can’t see a map here but he says “Accidental map of the world, I can’t remember how it ended up in my photo collection”
Yearly archives: 2018
My son’s friend Isaac took us to the Mexico City derby game between Club America and Cruz Azul at the Azteca Stadium, that’s the one where Maradonna scored his sensational goal against England in the 1970 World Cup and “the hand of God” also intervened on his behalf. After the […]
Thanks to the lady who let me take a pic of her superb medal for completing the 2018 Columbus marathon in Ohio, USA. I have to hand it to the Americans, they love using the shapes of their states in anything and everything. Here, the shape of Ohio. What else?!
Yet another pic from (as of now) our most prolific contributor Charles Kennelly. “Map outside office in Kamakura Japan, my best guess is that it depicts underwater cable routes. I love the projection and the water caused discolouration that results from the projection.” I look forward to the discussion between […]
A magnificent laser-cut wooden map of the street network of Norfolk VA hanging in a small elevator lobby in the Marriott Waterside hotel. It measures about 4 ft by 3ft and the depth of the wood casts some great shadows from the lobby light above. The detail is impressive when […]
While we were in Mexico City we went to the Secretaría de Educación Público to see the amazing collection of murals by Diego Rivera. As we were leaving we stumbled on this massive mural map of Latin America The scale of this stunning mural needs a longer range shot. If you […]
A range of images of the use of maps at John Glenn Columbus airport. The above a large compass rose inlay with the state map at its centre in the arrivals hall. Below, a street network formed from pieces of coloured laminate on a wall adorning the wall of a […]
Charles Kennelly sent us this impressive relief map from the Central Siberian Geology Museum. “Incredible relief map of Russia, in one of the best geology museums I have been to. I especially liked the harsh clipping that leave water bodies pouring into the outside world. If you ever find yourself near […]
I met Anna Weber at the Danish GeoForum’s KortDage event. She had asked delegates to bring with them a soil sample from their home region, she had over 40 samples from Denmark and as she was keen to tell me one from Sweden. She then made this Earth Map of […]
A recent visit by Mark Iliffe and I to the Brewdog USA brewery found it to be teeming with maps. While we were still capable of operating a camera here’s some select pics. The map above is by Craig Fischer, Brewdog’s resident artist and simply shows the location of each […]
Today is GIS Day, so you get an extra bonus map in the wild thanks to Ross McDonald of Angus Council. Apparently they celebrated GIS Day with this scrumptious map cake. For those not in the UK, the reference to Shetland in a box may be confusing. Recently the Scottish […]
One of mine Been walking around Mexico City for 2 days and this is the first map on the streets that I’ve found. Not a great one but … Watch out for more and better from my Mexico trip
Dave Lovell has an almost inexhaustible collection of map pics. I wish we’d have had these map collages in time for Remembrance Sunday (just past) but better a little late than not at all. “Here’s a small series of (not very good) photos taken in Bramhall Methodist Church’s (wild!) remembrance […]