Monthly archives: October 2020
Abi Page drew my attention to this piece of mappy needlework. #geography was the first science that was taught to girls. They were instructed to sew map samplers to learn. 🧵🗺️ Read about Margaret Montgomery’s map of Scotland circa 1800 at… #WorldEmbroideryDay I like that the bit of […]
Dave Lovell pointed out this tapestry map illustrating the routes used to smuggle slaves to Canada in the 19th century. It is part of the massive Quaker Tapestry in Kendall. After Britain abolished slavery in British colonies, Canada became a safe haven for escaping American slaves. The ‘Underground Railroad’ was […]
Mapmania shared this manhole cover Oklahoma man hole covers have a city map on, with a blue dot to show where you are.
Duncan Hill of Europa Technology shared this map inspired racing helmet. “Nice convergence of #maps and #F1 with Seb’s helmet design for this weekend’s Styrian GP”
Silke Voigts shared this pic of an eggbot The company that lent us the eggbot, a pen robot that paints on round surfaces, is working with maps and so they made us promise to paint an easter egg world 🙂
Reinder Storm (who else?) sent me these pics of a map vending machine in Amsterdam. Ah … once again, I had a brief encounter with the #map #machine. I love it!😊 #mapmachine
Spotted by Dave Lovell We’ve been avid fell-walkers most of our lives and unsurprisingly, the idea to produce this data visualisation came to us while wandering the mountains of the English Lake District together. Unable to find a suitable artwork that would allow us to record and display our ascents […]
Dave Lovell spotted these crafty pencils with escape route maps inserted into the pencil barrel from WW2 “I was particularly interested in the Maps for POWs secreted inside pencils. I wonder whether this cunning plan, expertly implemented led to any successful escapes. Maps were essential to the war effort on […]
Another one from Reinder Storm “Performance in the autumn of 2019, at the public library in The Hague (The Netherlands); not quite sure what to make of it … “A remarkable example of modern art”, as Sir Winston Churchill used to say @MapsintheWild @bieb070”