Monthly archives: January 2022
Neil Ackroyd shared this pic of his map of the Drakensberg Mountains which was drawn for him by Dan Bell of Middle Earth Maps. I love Dan’s style, it is just perfect for this type of map.
The first time Hans van der Maarel thought it was “Tanaka contours!”. Turns out that’s exactly what they are!
Olivia Powell found these lampshades. one can find more creations from Edwige Bregaint on her website.
Dan Harris bought a vintage mechanical watch. This was made in 1957 to celebrate the launch of Sputnik 1 and has a map and rockets on it. And Dan loves maps and rockets.
Our friend De Grommende Trucker sent us this set of photos from a trip in the Dordogne These are beautiful Maps in the Wild
A bit used on the America side but almost brand new in Europe and Africa, definitely not brand new shoes found in a thrift shop in The Hague by the indefatigable map wanderer Reinder Storm
This artwork in a doctor’s office in Doylestown, Pennsylvania was brought to our attention by Mark Safran. It maps Central Bucks County.
The perfect bike commuter Jacket. This MapReflect fabric design consists of 11 international cities known for cycling (Portland, New York, Washington DC, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, London, Newcastle, Berlin, Sydney and Taipei). The reflective map pattern is visible with car headlights.
Here is a contribution from Walter Schwartz visiting Iceland. Not a first timer on Maps in the Wild, but this huge map deserves more than one post. The map specs: 17 person years to build 1 mm paper sheets on plywood Rolls into a wall opening to store underneath the […]