Petaluma is a town in Sonoma County, California. Cartonaut and Andrew Wedlake sent us pics of a bar (presumably in Petaluma) incorporating several maps into the design.
Monthly archives: July 2023
Reinder spotted this print of a map of The Hague by Frederick De Wit (ca 1698) at the staff entrance to the national library of The Netherlands.
When Tom Armitage was in Olomouc in the Czech Republic he went on a mappy walk around the city centre (I’d like to think that was just to send us loads of pics but maybe not). He said: I have a short Maps in the Wild story for you here: […]
Credit: Marion Lacroix Marion Lacroix sent a photo of a massive map on a building’s wall. The 13th arrondissement of Paris is depicted on the map. As always, I wanted to mark Bastille Day with a memento of my home country. Marion, I appreciate you sharing this lovely jewel.
Tom Smedley sent us this from his recent tour of some US National Parks. New River Gorge National Park is the US’s newest national park. What a spectacular floor in the entrance area to the visitor centre, hats off to the NPS.
Reinder is on form at the moment, wherever he goes the maps follow. He spotted these map pillows in the window of a travel agent in Amsterdam. You could fall asleep dreaming of all the places that you want to visit.
Our friends at OpenCage Data regularly post features on the geographic quirks of a country. A while back the posted this little feature on Croatia which ended with a picture of the Croatian 2 Euro coin which includes a map of Croatia. Thanks to Ed Freyfogle for this
Jeremy Garniaux (the admin/host of spotted this gin bottle Spotted a exemplary Mercator #MapsInTheWild on this NYE bottle of gin! I didn’t realise that gin was a French passion but I like their global outlook, the Birdie web site says: It is to the Yemeni shepherd, Kaldi, to whom we owe […]
Wednesday night was Geomob London and I felt that I had to wear my new Null Island t-shirt (first outing was at GeoMob TLV). You know where the map marker for this post is going to be? If you want your own version of this t-shirt have a look at […]
Tom Smedley sent us this pic of a massive map floor at the new museum under the Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri. I love walking on. a mappy floor.
Tom Armitage was in Olomouc in the Czech Republic and he spotted this massive London Underground map on his travels, no one could explain why the Czechs are displaying it.
James Reid took this pic at the Hanging Bat Pub on Edinburgh. What’s not to like about a map of beer?