Samara Ebinger was given some socks in a box with a map of Northfield in Vermont on the lid claiming that it is the Sock Capital of the World. Like me, I’m sure you are all wondering when it overtook Fort Payne, Alabama.
Yearly archives: 2023
Diane Fritz found this great brass “MasterMap” in Minnehaha Creek, Minnesota. It’s even self referential, mapping its own location at site 3! @OrdnanceSurvey, where are your brass ones?
To mark International Womens’ Day 2023 it seems fitting to post the first global map of the ocean floor produced by Marie Tharp and her colleague Bruce Heezen in 1977 when it was published in the National Geographic magazine. Twenty years earlier, the pair mapped the floor of the North […]
Dan Harris spotted this map on the ceiling of a hotel near the Bonnie Banks o’ Loch Lomond. A more literal interpretation of the high road than the song originally intended!
Elizabeth gave me this programme from a concert at London’s Southbank Centre. Nice combination of a musical instrument with the globe and the newspaper.
My sister spotted this beautiful globe at Petworth House, it is allegedly the first English terrestrial globe. In the 16th century, accurate maps and globes were critical to planning trade, maritime navigation, foreign policy and warfare. Indeed, the quality of the information they supplied could determine success or failure, life […]
The Rising Sun pub just around the corner from Bristol City’s home ground has gone for some Ordnance Survey historic mapping of the local area for its wallpaper. A cartographically savvy away fan has articulated his thoughts about Bristol City in some accurately georeferenced graffiti in the field where Ashton […]
Ed sent me a Stanfords voucher at the end of the year and I recently got round to spending it. Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall is a fascinating book on Geo-Politics, I highly recommend it. London, A History in Maps by Peter Barber is a treat for map lovers, […]
Yesterday, we went on an outing to the Magnificent Maps of London exhibition at the London Metropolitan Archive, it is open until the end of March and is well worth a visit but in case you can’t get to it here are a few highlights. I know that some of […]
Marc-Tobias is trying to climb up the leader board (which doesn’t really exist) with this incredibly complex jigsaw map of Germany. “Took surprisingly long to finish. Only two colors, lots of strangeborder parts and a puzzle where you can actually use a geocoder tolocate where a piece belongs. Some cities […]
Clint sent me this pic of a map in his collection of Chinese paraphernalia. According to Geographicus: “This is a May 1968 Communist Chinese propaganda broadside map of France, celebrating the ‘May 68’ French student and general strikes. Published by the Xinhua Bookstore, maps of France are printed on both […]
Elizabeth spotted this map of Crouch End (near to where we live) which is in the style of that epic New Yorker View of the World from 9th Ave.
This is brilliant! Reinder sent us these pics from the the massive bicycle parking area at the Central Railway Station in Amsterdam. At the Central Railway Station of Amsterdam, they created a gigantic parking space for bicycles – under water! It is decorated with maps, that give a diachronic impression […]