Reinder said “… saw this one at Doheny & Nesbitt, Dublin.“
Yearly archives: 2023
Reinder shared this map of St Patrick’s Park “Map of St Patrick’s Park Playground. No kidding.” It really is a tiny park so that map is almost 1:1
Reinder spotted this school group on his travels. Nice t-shirt, well organised kids, what’s not to like?
This. a sculptural work by Mathew Picton titled “Dublin, June 16, 1904″. He describes the work” “For some years I have had the ambition to create a sculpture from a novel. Ulysses seemed like a particularly good place to start, in that it is so specifically linked with a place […]
Reinder was on vacation in Ireland and as he was travelling around he spotted lots of Maps in the Wild. So for the next few days I am posting a series based on his trip. Starting with this cartographic postcard that Reinder spotted (and hopefully purchased) complete with guidance for […]
Another one from Andy Allan’s travels “Galeria Krakowska is a shopping mall in Kraków, Poland, located adjacent to the city’s main railway station. It has a huge but minimalist map showing the longitudes of various cities of Europe, along with some population-based scaling of the marker, and some rather dubious […]
Richard Martin sent us this pic from Cricklade in the Cotswolds, England “This lovely town near the Cotswold’s, known for being the first town on the Thames, has a number of these ‘3D’ maps to help visitors navigate around.
Andy Alan has been on holiday in the South of France. He took time to send us some pics of the panoramic maps that he and his wife spotted. “Along various parts of the Côte d’Azur, France, there’s a series of old hand-painted hilltop map pedestals. They were created by […]
Marc Tobias sent us this pic of the top shelf of a bar in Prague. I like the way they have incorporated the coordinates into the map frame.
Reinder sent us this “… on an early sunny morning in July, 2023, in Amsterdam, on the Oudezijds Voorburgwal. Let’s hope they had a wonderful time there.”
Gary Gale sent me this pic, he said “I’ve found the multiverse! We’re on the one at the top left corner in case you were wondering.” I’m not sure that Gary has really got the hang of this multiverse thing, but then neither have I!
Barry Ruderman from spotted this “There Be Monsters” inspired by the map collection of the UK National Archives
Let’s be honest these fashion shoots would be pretty awful if the models were using satnav. Original credit: Jenny Marie Johnson
Any Japanese speakers out there who can enlighten us on to what this map is all about, please post a comment! Originally spotted by Timothy Morrissey on a calendar, who thinks it is some type of foliage map.