This. a sculptural work by Mathew Picton titled “Dublin, June 16, 1904″. He describes the work”
“For some years I have had the ambition to create a sculpture from a novel. Ulysses seemed like a particularly good place to start, in that it is so specifically linked with a place and time, that of Dublin June 16 1904. The novel creates an interior landscape of Dublin, a landscape of thought, voice and conversation. The sculpture sites those narratives and interior monologues within the cartographic framework of the Dublin of the time. The work is built from a map of Dublin from that year. Certain key reference points are located in their precise geographic locations, the site of the home of Leopold and Molly Bloom is clearly visible as is the site of the Tyrone St Brothel. The chapter titles follow the route home towards 7 Eccles St.”
A great spot from Reinder on his travels.