Eric Lund said “Came across this eye-catching map at my eye doctor’s office this week and had to share it with you.” Well I am glad he did share it, what a cracking map in the wild! Here’s a bit more detail. This piece was designed by Tad Bradley, the […]
Yearly archives: 2024
Tony Rabin spotted this map of the indigenous peoples of Australia near the Qantas bording gate at LAX
A few weeks ago I did an interview with Eve Kahn for a piece she was writing for The NewYork Times about what she calls “Cartifacts” which are a subset of Maps in the Wild. Mappery gets a very nice write up of course and I recommend the whole piece […]
Marianne Pietersen sent us these pics from her visit to Archer Field. “Last year I went to a lecture at Archer Field, Brisbane, about the history of the Dutch military camp there,during WW2. In a side room of the airport building was a small amount of photos from those days, […]
This stunning relief map was sent to us by Scott Simmons who spotted it at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich.
Alastair Graham sent me this pic of a box he received with some new trail running kit from Harrier. That looks like serious stuff but I guess you would need it to zip up and down those contours.
Ed Parsons spotted this piece of Becksploitation by Samsung on the London Underground. The blurb says: When is a circle not a circle? The Circle Line? More an elongated oval line. Less memorable, admittedly. Our new Galaxy S24 Series uses a circle to transform how you search. Just draw one […]
Marc Tobias was in London for a few days spotting Maps in the Wild. He sent me this “Queenhithe is a historic ward of London at the Thames, there is an art installation, a mosaic which shows the history of London as a timeline along the river Thames. You can […]
This pic from @wijfi comes from the Morris Museum in Morristown, NJ Fred J. Kingan (American, 1887-1947)MAP OF HISTORIC TRAILS, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 1942-1947Oil and graphite on wood After a lifelong interest in American pioneer history, artist Fred J. Kingan, started a six-year project researching historic American trails, […]
Marc-Tobias could not resist a vist to Stanford’s London store and there he spotted these t-shirts, very useful if you are sailing across the Atlantic (without a sat-nav)
Reinder spotted these books in Antwerp. “Wow – never saw this before: cartographical decorated head (or top) edge of a book. I ran into this one in Antwerp, in a quite tempting shop, called ‘Bookz & booze‘ … ” Books with street maps on their edges in a shop called Bookz […]
Happy Leap Day! “Who knew that shallots were mini topo maps” posted Amanda Huber with quite some leap of the imagination!
A cartofailure with a Tattoo, thanks to @lecartopgraphe for sharing. Just in time to celebrate #MapFailbruary