Mappery For the love of maps

Map chairs

Stan McShinsky sent us this pic of his Map Chairs

I decided to reupholster some chairs in my office with aerial imagery. I think it turned out great.
I just stumbled upon and love it.

Well we were pretty chuffed (BritTalk for pleased) that he loves Mappery and we liked his chairs so we asked how he found the fabric in case any of our readers wanted to make there own Map Chair.

I uploaded the imagery to and had it printed on the Eco Canvas fabric. They printed it and sent it to me really fast. There were several sites that offer that service and I ordered samples from them. SpoonFlower was the best quality and clarity for what I wanted. 

So now we will sit back and wait for more Map Chair pics and also a referral bonus from SpoonFlower šŸ™‚

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