Mappery For the love of maps

Australia in a puddle

Australian puddle

Thanks to Ross McDonald for pointing us at this Australian puddle spotted in Somalia by a member of the Australian Defence Force. The image originally appeared on the ADF web site (see here on the WayBackMachine) and more recently on GeoLounge who said

Cartocacoethes was a term first coined by John Krygier from the Making Maps blog to describe a mania, uncontrollable urge, compulsion or itch to see maps everywhere.
The cartographic equivalent to seeing Jesus in burnt toast, the terminology is a concatenation of the greek word for map (khartes) and cacoethes, a Greek word meaning “an irresistible urge to do something inadvisable.”

This one may be up there with “the elephant’s ear” in our all time best Maps in the Wild

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