We visited the Leon Trotsky museum in Mexico City, it is housed in his last home where he was assassinated. There are tons of Trotsky memorabilia there, including his atlas and globe which were in his study. This map shows Trotsky’s travels into exile via New York, Moscow, Kazakhstan, Turkey, […]
Maps in the Wild
We found this Mexican land title map from 1879 with some nice top features in a museum in Oaxaca “The plan of the Tepejillo estate is a clear example of the struggle of the peoples whose inhabitants had to face the increasing pressure of the haciendas on the lands considered”
We have got used to seeing the TfL way finder obelisks in central London. It was a pleasant surprise to bump into a couple in the Historic Centre of Mexico City – as my daughter posted out they are the easiest way of finding your way without having to resort […]
My son took us to a student art exhibition in Mexico City organised by some of his friends. I’m not sure that I fully understood the intentions of the artists and their work but his mate tried to explain to me that the painting on the floor was based on […]
Cisco Urbina sent us this superb water feature map “Enjoying the fun and curiosity of Maps in the Wild and this place is a regular lunch time haunt. Background: The feature and surrounding commercial space is known as Darling Park. Built in the early 2000’s as part of the the […]
Seems Ken and I aren’t the only geeks to go on safari and snap pics of maps in the wild. Tom Smedley sent us this massive map of the Kruger National Park “From my stay at The Lodge in Kruger National Park, South Africa earlier this year. It was BIG.” […]
Derick Rethams @derickr sent us this beer label map I found this map on a bottle of beer and decided it would be a great beer to have after finishing the Thames Path. It’s made by Hop Kettle based near the source of the Thames on Cricklade: https://derickrethans.nl/downstream-days1-3.html There are actually three […]
Taken by Jeremy Wright at the Kona Inn, Kona on Hawaii (the big island) this is a large and spectacular three-dimensional map using planes of wood to form the bathymetry around the islands. You quite often see these sort of relief maps made by those with access to laser cutting […]
Caught this map mug on BBC World News. Casually just sat on the desk, located at Broadcasting House in London.
Michael Terner sent me this pic of an earring which he tells me is based on part of the street network in Portland Here’s a map of the Portland, Oregon street grid, including it’s numerous Willamette River crossings. The map is found on the earring of one of my 22 […]
I think Charles Kennelly is getting over eager, I can’t see a map here but he says “Accidental map of the world, I can’t remember how it ended up in my photo collection”
My son’s friend Isaac took us to the Mexico City derby game between Club America and Cruz Azul at the Azteca Stadium, that’s the one where Maradonna scored his sensational goal against England in the 1970 World Cup and “the hand of God” also intervened on his behalf. After the […]
Thanks to the lady who let me take a pic of her superb medal for completing the 2018 Columbus marathon in Ohio, USA. I have to hand it to the Americans, they love using the shapes of their states in anything and everything. Here, the shape of Ohio. What else?!
Yet another pic from (as of now) our most prolific contributor Charles Kennelly. “Map outside office in Kamakura Japan, my best guess is that it depicts underwater cable routes. I love the projection and the water caused discolouration that results from the projection.” I look forward to the discussion between […]